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Amdro Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait and Ant Killer, 24 Ounce
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Amdro Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait and Ant Killer, 24 Ounce

Product ID: 460457588
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Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait gives you the power to kill listed ant species outside before they enter your home. Once you lay the bait, worker ants carry it back to the mound thinking its food. Once the queen eats it, the colony is doomed because she can no longer produce worker ants. Use it on lawns, landscaped areas, or around structures. Each bottle contains enough bait to treat the average home up to six times. Stop an ant invasion before it starts with this. Amdro Ant Block. It is a preemptive strike against invading ant forces. As hungry worker approach in search for food, they will quickly seize the bait instead. The active ingredient in Amdro Home Perimeter Ant Block Killer Bait has very low toxicity to people, animals and birds. When used according to the label we wouldn't expect any problems to your pets. Amdro Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait and Ant Killer Attracts and kills the whole ant colony Kills 25 species of ants, including Argentine ants, carpenter ants, crazy ants and 17 other species  Apply anytime ants are active For best results during hot weather, apply during cool early morning or early evening hours, when ants are most active Do not use when ground or grass is wet or when rain is expected within 24 hours Lasts up to 3 months For Use Outdoor around Perimeter 24 oz.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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