Barbie Off-Road Vehicle, Purple Toy Car with 2 Pink Seats and Rolling Wheels
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Barbie Off-Road Vehicle, Purple Toy Car with 2 Pink Seats and Rolling Wheels

Product ID: 460395028
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Young imaginations can hit the open road with this adventure-ready Barbie vehicle! With rolling wheels and a cool, open-air look, kids can buckle Barbie doll and a friend in and take them anywhere their stories lead (dolls sold separately). Just give it a push to get the fun rolling with four silvery wheels and treaded tires. This colorful off-road vehicle is just Barbie doll's style with a purple body, pink interior and light-blue trim. Featuring fun accents, like Barbie logo details and a personalized license plate, it's ready for any adventure. Let imaginations explore the road ahead because with Barbie, you can be anything! Collect other Barbie dolls and accessories to pack the car full of fun (each sold separately, subject to availability). Dolls not included. Colors and decorations may vary. Young imaginations can take their stories off the beaten path with this all-terrain Barbie vehicle! With a cool, open-air look, this Barbie vehicle lets imaginations take Barbie doll and a friend (dolls sold separately) on a casual cruise, an off-road adventure or anywhere their imaginations take them! Features a purple body, pink interior, silvery accents (like the grille and wheels) and tires that roll -- push to start the fun! Barbie logo details and a personalized license plate add signature style Adventurers 3 to 7 years old will love hitting the open road and veering off it to make their own path because with Barbie, you can be anything! Collect other Barbie dolls and accessories to pack the car full of fun (each sold separately, subject to availability)

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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