Miracle-Gro Shake 'N Feed Tomato, Fruit and Vegetable Plant Food, For In-Ground and Container Plants, Feeds up to 3 Months, 4.5 lbs.
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Miracle-Gro Shake 'N Feed Tomato, Fruit and Vegetable Plant Food, For In-Ground and Container Plants, Feeds up to 3 Months, 4.5 lbs.

Product ID: 38431534
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Nourish your fruit and vegetable plants above and below the soil with Miracle-Gro® Shake 'N Feed® Tomato, Fruit & Vegetable Plant Food. This plant food contains natural ingredients to feed microbes in the soil (microbes break down natural ingredients into nutrients that support root strength and development which increases water efficiency). In addition, this garden product feeds plants for up to 3 months. Calcium helps form stronger cell walls, producing better quality and longer-lasting fruits and vegetables and also helps prevent disorders in edible crops commonly associated with calcium deficiency. This plant food may be used with vegetable, fruit and tomato plants, whether in-ground or in containers. Apply this gardening product dry; do not pre-mix with water. When applying to in-ground plants, shake evenly onto the soil and work into the top 1-3 inches. When using with container plants, mix into the soil at time of planting, or shake evenly onto the soil of established plants and lightly work in. For all plants, water to start feeding, and use the recommended rates provided on the label. For a beautiful garden all season long, reapply Miracle-Gro® Shake 'N Feed® Tomato, Fruit & Vegetable Plant Food every 3 months and water regularly.

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