Broil King 911470 Keg 5000 Kamado Charcoal Grill, Charcoal Grey
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Broil King 911470 Keg 5000 Kamado Charcoal Grill, Charcoal Grey

Product ID: 15866098
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Expand your grilling experience and enjoy authentic barbecue flavor with the Broil King Keg 5000. With a classic Kamado-style design, the Keg 5000 is designed to retain heat and moisture ensuring delicious and flavorful food every time. Unlike most Kamado-style grills that are made from ceramic, the Keg 5000 features an insulated steel grill body design that offers superior heat and moisture retention and unmatched durability. The Keg features Roto-Draft dampers (cast iron on top, aluminum on bottom) to precisely control the airflow through the grill, allowing you to get to the perfect smoking or grilling temperature. The dampers feature metered markings that make it easier for you to remember your damper settings, allowing you to repeat your grilling successes over and over again. A cast iron primary cooking grid that provides 280 sq. in. of cooking space, along with a 200 sq. in. swing-out chrome secondary rack provide you with plenty of space to prepare all of your favorites at your next cookout. Extra features include 2 removable resin side shelves, a versatile multi-tool to help you adjust and clean your grill, twin bottle openers on the lid handle, and a removable wheeled base that is trailer hitch-adaptable.

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